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Corporate Video Production


Video is no longer an option for your business. In fact, it’s the best way to reach your audience and showcase your brand. Corporate video production helps you build trust in your brand, highlight key aspects of your business, and shape how people view you as an organization.

Video is no longer an option for your business.

It's no secret that video is the future of content marketing. Not only is it easier to digest than text-based content, but it's also much more engaging and effective at communicating a message. As a result, video has become one of the most powerful tools in any business owner's arsenal—and with good reason:

  • Video is more engaging than text. A study from Hubspot found that compared to text-based content, video receives 89% higher views per visitor and 69% higher time spent on page when embedded in an email campaign (1). In addition, 90% of consumers report that they feel more confident about a brand after watching an explainer video (2). These figures show just how much more impactful videos can be for your business compared to other forms of marketing like blogs or e-books.

  • Video generates more shares on social media than other types of content do! The same study from Hubspot found that videos shared by brands receive 24 times more organic views on Facebook than photos do; 8 times as many on Twitter; and 3 times as many likes on Instagram (3). In addition, they generate 10 times as many comments on each post as images do and are 55% less likely to receive negative feedback (4). That kind of reach could bring you new leads and customers in droves if you use it properly!

Corporate Video Production

Video content is the new way to engage your audience.

We all know that having quality video content on your website helps you rank higher in the search engines, but many people don't realize how much more effective it can be than just text alone. Studies have shown that websites with video are 55 percent more likely to get a click from a visitor than those without any video at all!

Here's why: You're giving people an experience instead of just information (and let's face don't want to watch an hourlong lecture about your product). And if you're making your own videos, you're able to show off exactly what makes your business unique - which can lead people down a path toward becoming customers themselves.

Building trust in your brand with video content

Video is a great way to build trust with your audience, who can feel like they know you better and are more invested in what you do. Video also helps you connect with your audience on a deeper level by showing off your brand personality and humanizing the leadership of your company.

If done well, video content can help build trust by demonstrating that you’re an expert in your industry or field and can provide solutions for problems people may have. For example, an attorney could create videos about how to deal with legal issues related to real estate purchases or divorces. The lawyer might also host webinars discussing how he or she would approach these types of cases—and if there were any questions from viewers during these sessions, then those interactions could be captured as well!

Highlighting your brand with video content

The purpose of any video is to connect with the viewer in a positive and memorable way. As a result, it's important that you focus on what makes your brand unique. What does your organization stand for? How do you want to be different from the competition? The answers to these questions will help clarify what elements of your brand can be showcased through video content creation.

Once this is established, begin brainstorming ways that you can show off what makes your business special. This might include highlighting some of its strengths or values—or even its mission or vision! If a large part of what makes up an individual's identity involves their relationship with others, then it follows naturally why corporate videos are all about showcasing how companies interact with customers, employees, vendors and other stakeholders


We have covered a lot of ground in this article. To recap, we talked about why your business needs video production, the value they bring and how to make them work for you. We also discussed the different types of corporate videos and how they can fit into your marketing strategy. Finally, we looked at some examples from some of our clients so that you can see real-world examples of what’s possible with video content production for businesses like yours!

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